Brigitte Juanals is a full professor in communication studies at the school of journalism and communication (EJCAM), of which she is the deputy director, at Aix-Marseille University. She is a researcher in the Research Centre for Information Science and Communication Studies (IRSIC, EA 4262), in which she has joint responsibility for the research strand “Communication of organizations, societal actions and changes”. Her research deals with the media and the circulation of information in present-day society, encompassing societal issues. The analysis of the circulation of information from organisations and institutions, media and the public is conducted with reference to changes in social mediation and digital media and information and communication tools. She is the scientific leader of the ANR Labex project PASP13-Comm-Num (2013-2017), “Cultural Mediation and circulation of knowledge in the digital age: institutional communication, publishing practices, socio-technical devices, social uses of cultural information (2014-2017).
Within the Ambassadors Network, Brigitte aims to articulate two activities: information on DARIAH, and training in tools recommended by DARIAH in two research areas, Natural heritage and Cultural heritage.