The four-day training workshop on “EpiDoc” was held in Athens (Greece), from Tuesday, 2 May to Friday, 5 May 2017, at the Academy of Athens. The workshop was organized by the Academy of Athens within the framework of the WP3 Growing DARIAH of the DARIAH-EU project “Humanities at Scale”.
The topic of the training workshop “EpiDoc” was digital editing of epigraphic and papyrological texts and it focused on the encoding of inscriptions, papyri and other ancient texts. EpiDoc ( is a community of practice and guidance for using TEI XML for the encoding of inscriptions, papyri and other ancient texts. It has been used to publish digital projects including Inscriptions of Aphrodisias and Tripolitania, Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri, Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri, and EAGLE Europeana Project. The workshop introduced participants to the basics of XML markup and gave hands-on experience of tagging textual features and object descriptions, identifying and linking to external person and place authorities, and project workflow and management.
The workshop was intended for scholars of all levels, from students to professors assuming knowledge of epigraphy or papyrology; Greek, Latin or another ancient language; and the Leiden Conventions.
The Academy of Athens invited Elli Mylonas (Senior Digital Humanities Librarian, Brown University Library) and Simona Stoyanova (Research Fellow in Library and Information Science, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London) as instructors. Both are active contributors to the Epidoc collaborative.