HaS workshop in Sarajevo

The workshop: “DARIAH-ERIC: The Development of a Sustainable Infrastructure for Scientific and Heritage Institutions” has been organized in Sarajevo on 5th of June 2017 as a cooperation between The Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research- Zagreb and Academy of Music

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Workshop: EpiDoc. Encoding ancient texts

The four-day training workshop on “EpiDoc” was held in Athens (Greece), from Tuesday, 2 May to Friday, 5 May 2017, at the Academy of Athens. The workshop was organized by the Academy of Athens within the framework of the WP3

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DARIAH Ambassadors: Emiliano Degl’Innocenti

Emiliano Degl’Innocenti is researcher at National Research Council – CNR and National Coordinator of DARIAH-IT. He received his Laurea in Philosophy at Università di Firenze in 2002, and his Ph.D. in History of Philosophy at Istituto di Studi Umanistici of

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Concept for a Data Deposit Recommendation Service: deliverable 7.2 released

The deliverable 7.2 “Design and sustainability plan for open humanities data platform” has been recently published. The document develops a concept for a Data Deposit Recommendation Service. The Data Deposit Recommendation Service (DDRS) intends to help the user to identify

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DARIAH Ambassadors: Brigitte Juanals

Brigitte Juanals is a full professor in communication studies at the school of journalism and communication (EJCAM), of which she is the deputy director, at Aix-Marseille University. She is a researcher in the Research Centre for Information Science and Communication

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Call for applications: Summer School “Beyond Editing: Advanced Solutions and Technologies”

CC BY 2.0, Quinn Dombrowski This Summer School targets Humanities scholars, librarians and students who have already acquired a working knowledge of digital scholarly editing, especially TEI encoding, and wish to go further. If the encoding is a crucial step,

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DARIAH Ambassadors: Maija Paavolainen

Maija Paavolainen is an information specialist from Helsinki University Library and works in close connection with HELDIG Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities. She is interested in the change of methods in humanities and the cultural heritage institutions digital collections as

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DARIAH Ambassadors: Tihomir Živić

Tihomir Živić performs courses in the scientific field of Philology. He evinces his scientific interest in the areas of American Studies, as well as in the Digital Humanities, Literary Criticism, and Translation Studies. In his capacity as a college professor,

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DARIAH Ambassadors: Claire Clivaz

Claire Clivaz is Head of Digital Enhanced Learning at the SIB (Vital-DH projects@Vital-IT). She leads interdisciplinary projects at the crossroad of the New Testament and the Digital Humanities. For example, the project etalks, a multimedia digital editing tool (etalk.vital-it.ch), or

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Appointment of DARIAH Ambassadors

In the framework of the Horizon 2020 funded project Humanities at Scale, an Ambassadors Network have been created for raising awareness of and participation in DARIAH across the emerging regions, marginal communities and new disciplines of what is current conceived

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